Sunday, June 7, 2009


Well, if you was not born handsome, do not bother. The women give much less importance to it than most men think. What matters is your attitude. Switching on kids, is their appearance in clothes, in the case, as if smiling enough, when we speak in positive tone, if you do not complain or regret and is talking all the time from you.
Complain, complain, do not smile, whining, criticism and talk without stopping cars or football, these are things that women hate subliminally.
Dress appropriately and not richly ...
No earrings, beard or exotic clothes. Women feel more comfortable with men of non-threatening appearance and correct.
I do not particularly suit and tie off. Is not wrong and never comes out much cheaper than a brand of clothes. It makes your style? Well use a coat on a shirt color sober. No shoes, please. Buy a stylish and versatile moccasin for any occasion. Shoes says a lot about a man. It is the first place they look carefully, after his face and there ... Trust me.

A key point is your smile. Women love men peart. For that you can invest in their teeth. You see, this is important!

Teeth clean and fix any make beautiful smile. Teeth are the identity card of their hygiene. Watch them.

The hairs have relative importance. If you do not have hair as beautiful, keep them short and clean.

Barb is not speech. Few men are okay with it and even less to maintain and care.

Nails are crucial. Cleaned, trimmed and without any basis, please. Natural.

His hands have calluses? Great! Reflect that, or you work a lot, or in academia or strong mesh sport that requires of its hands. Women like the feel of hands calosa ...

No rings, and other "bijujas. Women do not know what to think about these men's jewelry, so do not risk it at home and let your pulseirinha of estimation that his mother gave him.

Keep in weight. You need not be an athlete, but not be a prominent belly of women who return for food ... and very difficult. The belly is about who you are on the table and in bed ... Think about it ... So, friend, weight loss.


As I said, smile. But do not make jokes in bad taste, or putarias. Do not tell advantage. Ask discretamente. Show an interest and will seem interesting. Do not talk to you in the first meetings. Ask questions when answering a question. But when you talk something about them is unavoidable, tell the truth or at least possible that the sincerity can now ...

It's more than proven that whoever comes out of the interested parties together and are not those who want to do interesting opinion.

Read. This is great advice. Culture is highly seductive. Do not read all the newspapers. No police and sports page. Books, books, books ... best seller or any book that interests you.

But read and make this a habit. Women admire readers.

Try not to talk about controversial subjects such as politics, homosexuality, or feminism. You never know if the beautiful woman who is accompanying you ferrenha PT, has a gay brother and Rose Marie Muraro wonder ...

Praise always, quietly, but with constancy. But attention, be honest. No cheap praise and obscene, as "wonderful and nice bootie." Women like to lower the bed and not in public ...

Say it is well that dress and she has good taste. Or your hair is beautiful. Or his mouth expressive. Or instigating your eyes.

Where you look to talk to them is crucial. There is a triangle between the eyes and chin and is there you should focus your eyes, but in the eyes most of the time.

Others look the mouth of a person indicates explicit flirtation, so careful. Worth the sense.

Not stop, ever, nor is it a real talking nonsense. Agree in principle and welcomes the head waggle. She does not know whether you agree with what she says or it is only with what she says. Count to three and respond so slowly and calmly. Pretend that always think before you speak and cause a tremendous impression. Never, never, never say that to a woman that she is wrong. You may totally disagree to what she says, without realizing it, starting with his reply: - I have a parallel thought about this ...

Speak the truth. If married, you say. It has girlfriend, proves. After all, if you're interested in someone else, their relationship has not go well and she will understand. But I never pass by liar. Debases and stain forever. Talk honestly felt attracted to and see the results ...


Always a difficulty, of course. Beautiful women worth, unfortunately. Does not mean anything, but ...

Good company you can not completely hard. Fix your accounts, save, invest, spend in moderation. Women who know value spend and invest.

Cars are not always essential, but the lack of can cause inconvenience, because competition is strong. So if you have one chance. If not, redouble the advice above ...

Accepted if it split the bill proposes, today is a kind of compliment to their financial independence. If she does not speak anything, chivalrous and pay the bill without any fanfare.

Open the door of the car, send flowers (need not be expensive ...), take a rose to the meetings, variety programs, are some interesting tips. But the main and most attractive of them is certainly the respect to the parameters it requires. It is a natural suggestion for a stretched up your home or motel after a night legal, but must be with the acquiescence of her, because there will be good for it.

Do not force the bar. There is nothing more annoying and inelegant. A maximum of respect never worth much. If you find someone solved that part up to you, not scare! Women are more loose and be natural, but ... please do not paint-brush!

Do not be hiding their financial situation and agreed that it pays. It is great to feel valued by your presence enough that they pay the bill ...

Finally, I would say that these ideas are part of my personal experiences and serve as a compass, not only as a way of the art of conquest. If you take advantage of them well, I know I have the success I had ...

Remember when the highest level of achievement is to be first of all THE BEST OF YOU. Its true I only you can be.


If you are noticing that their self-esteem goes way to low, the back up. Reverse this framework through practical actions that we often forget in our subconscious.

Step by step:

1. Turn at the lamentations decisions. Leave a passive attitude aside and take responsibility for themselves to promote change.

2. Choose possible targets, even if you have to conquer it bit by bit. Unattainable goals are the easiest way to frustration and a new relapse in self-esteem.

3. Work your self-knowledge, is about questioning their values, and examine what is really important to you. This will help you make decisions and change attitudes.

4. Take your faults and accept it the way you are. This is not to be accommodated, however. Try to improve what is possible, but not exaggerating seeking perfection in everything. This search is endless, and you may be wasting time and effort that could be devoted to other activities more productive and pleasant.

5. Face the failure as something normal. Enjoy it as a valuable lesson to face the new challenges, not as proof of disability.

6. Express your views, wishes. Furthermore, respecting the opinions of others. Respect does not mean you should necessarily agree with them.

7. Diversify and expand their relations.

8. Small actions can mean a lot. A phone call, a party with friends, cleaning up the room, etc..

But remember:
Take one step at a time. Want to solve everything at once in most cases is not realistic. Do not fall into the temptation of alcohol to forget the problems and obstacles. It is best to face them so optimistic, not underestimate them or, conversely, feel that they are insurmountable.


You had the feeling that their friends are always more beautiful and friendly to you? Have you got the lowering look at parties when someone threatens cross your path? Already rehearsing phrases of purpose and poses in front of the mirror to get their attention?

Well aware that these are the trademarks of shy people. In love, then this problem becomes a man-of-seven-heads. If you qualify, it's time to finish time with it.

First, stop already with the mania to find than the others. Everyone has flaws and virtues.

Second, demonstrate a certain inhibition in love is perfectly normal. Just do not let it paralyze their actions.

Thirdly, if you are even in order to capture someone, remember that, if not try, never know if your chances are great or zero.

Most people are not even permitted, to have those people, the most uninhibited moments that pass by just getting the 'just quit'. Everyone has a bit of shyness, not go thinking that this is something of another world and only you are well ...

The fact is that the shyness begins to be alarming, when you isolate a pure shyness of people, but that is another story ...

But if that cat is saying a simple "hi" and you lack, is red with sweaty hands and legs wobbly, not encuque, we give here tips of experts to overcome the shame and anxiety to win the cat.

In the view of psychologists, overcoming shyness is the first step in seeking a relationship. If you connect the tips:

Master your anxiety: When your target appears, try to relax. Start controlling your breathing, breathe deeply and expire well.

Face your fear: Remember this phrase: "Who could not, do not snack." Little closer to the 'it' and go gaining ground, so you will gain greater certainty for future investment.

Learn to make and receive praise: There is no grace to receive a compliment, recognizing its value! Praise the other is also important!

Stop waiting for the worst: Do not feed negative thoughts, especially in situations where you get nervous. Think you are unlucky or make sure that nothing will interfere only, start to be more optimistic.

Ceases to be perfectionist: Do not try to be the most perfect person in the world, because sooner or later end up sliding agent. Show your crush your qualities and defects. This avoids forcing you to what is not, making their meetings more sincere and authentic.

Learn to be rejected: It is not always like to oblige. Has personality, if 'she' does not agree with your opinion, do not go thinking it will change you leave. Remember that the fear of being rejected will only bring more uncertainties.

Find your own style: Stop imitating is the way of others, is what you really are. Women like men decided, safe and authentic.

Eye in eye: When talking to people, become accustomed to look into the eyes of them, a practice that usually brings in more security and respect from other people.

It is not perfect: You may create a somewhat exaggerated picture of his crush. Remember that we are human and have flaws. Learn and define the qualities and faults, you can analyze the defects it looks like yours.

Pay attention to the world: Of course you already entered a crowded room and had the impression that everyone stopped to talk to the attention of you, right? Shy people find it always the center of attention and that everyone is repairing their attitudes. Remember that all, most are concerned with himself. Just pay more attention to everything that surrounds you.


Tired of taking cuts for women? You think they dream of love with you in bed when all they want is a hell of hot that you right click away? Relax! The feminine soul may become a permanently open book - if you can read your pages. The secret is to study the position of their eyes - and all the possibilities (and impossibilities) are within reach. Learn how to interpret them correctly. So yes, light is green, so that suggests dreamed program, you it ... and best friend.

Low and focused:
Great sign, showing connections with the meanings of the body. With a good conversation, it is yours.

Half right (or left):
She is counting the realm of censorship. Download the ball while it is time.

Center and blurred:
Is reminiscent of something you saw or read. The Kama Sutra? Or the scene of the ice breaker for Fatal Instinct?

High and on the right:
She is building a scene on the right side (the creative) brain. Is evaluating the scenario.

Senior left:
Field of memory. Compare the proposal with something you already have. Everything now depends on their competence.



As for whether she blinked or if you had a speck in the eye? There are many signals transmitted by involuntary body want you can decipher. The psychobiology, discipline that studies the non-verbal language, translated several of these signs. Meet the tracks left by the siren that can help you to gaff it:



Say you just initiate a chat with that girl that a friend took him to present in the middle of the party. She keeps the look intense, firm and direct as you talk? Good. This is a classic sign of interest. Furthermore, if she still tilt the body forward, even better! And if, in response, bringing her mouth to his ear, put it better! It appears that the girl is engaged by the conversation.
Mirrored movements, such as crossing legs crossed just like you their, or give a shot in the drink while you indicate that a smooth connection was established. Has more: to give a symmetrical smile showing teeth in top and bottom, to lift the shoulders from time to time and to show the palm of the hands outstretched, her body is talking to you is not only a nice subject, but very welcome.
Now, if she use the excuse to move the heat in the hair and - uh, this is getting interesting ... - leave the neck and the show itself, you can be sure that there is climate of sex in the air and she trusts you. Another sign of hope will be the contact during the conversation, it touches a part of your body than your arm.
Already red spots on her neck, the neck and those ears are on fire a huge banner that you move with the same girl. All thanks to the agitation promoted by adrenaline triggered within that delicate body. To make sure that the evening promises, just missing his crush on his touch the body to reach a snack ... when you know that neither party is so full of people.


The festival is good, sound is great, but you are in doubt is called the girl to dance? Bright! Your desconfiômetro, which should not be the worst, probably found a message that it is not yet in its. If you do not know where to get that feeling, just to look at her posture.
It may be only a matter of shyness to let the girl head down and tilted to one side, to the gesture that children exhibit when they feel ashamed. She keeps the chin supported in the hand? You bet: this is just being patient. Ah, is not the chin, but supported the cheek in his hand? Sign that you still need to know you better. In some, it is also why it is with your feet facing in, uncomfortable.
Then, you keep talking, but it hides his mouth behind the finger is in doubt because it says what really thinks. Then, focus the region of the chest of his crush, but get light: for the sound of her breasts, remember that an expanded chest hides a desire to impose, as a chest has shrunk a shy lady, who feels dominated by the situation.
But if she crossed legs pointing the knee in front of you, you just want to stop and be quiet before flaunt it. Stay cool, all is not lost. That light touch on your arm, even if it seems the way to chat with everyone, is a track you is not to play outside, no ...


When leaving the party, unfortunately unattended and without a woeful paper with a phone number in your pocket, you are asking that handle the crush rays failed. Just make a reconstitution of the scenes to discover that, basically, the girl was not a no to you.
Take: To begin, it was a long time with the bag on the lap, no sign that he felt at ease there. Kept his arms crossed, something typical of those who want to protect, opening only exception to bicker at the table, impatient. When not smoking, with the hand on top and back, as you would throw a pie in his face, kept the fists closed in obvious sign of tension, or fear - will know? - The peak day of TPM.
It is my plate, would not even sure. She even tried, perhaps not have noticed that you rejected, but was warned that her body: that smile that leans to one side is never a true sign of joy. And when she was on foot, remember? Body tilted back, keeping distance, wary ... Sitting was even worse: he or she is a rocking nervously cross the foot of the leg, about to give it a shot, or was already sitting on the edge of the chair, with the tip of the feet on the floor, dying to escape the first opportunity. That night, huh?



They are different from each other, of course. But one thing all have in common is a greater or a lesser degree, the romanticism, the desire to find one who will love its great and valuable. Even those that do not go thinking about marriage or dating seriously, usually only get involved with people in which trust and who may have good (and, if possible, magical) moments. The friendship and trust are therefore important.
Respect also is not out: women do not like a man who shows no interest in their affairs, going to bed or just wanting to be sexist. Bear their good economic situation also is not usually positive: if you have a good salary that will be obvious by the clothes that USA, the car driving or where they live. Show that it is good of life can be offensive, meaning, for many, you are insecure (and therefore boasts of having money) or who believes that women, mostly, are behind the support of someone.


He is employed - and honest initiative, because although it excellent balance in the bank, is not lazy to run back and is not the type that goes over the other to move up in life.
He is friendly - key feature: sleeping with the enemy, only to Julia Roberts, and so even in the cinema. The real-life women seeking someone who can divide the life and emotions (good or bad).
He is confident - look there, trust! They also need to feel comfortable with the man who chose to learn more and perhaps get involved emotionally.
It is discreet - no wish to draw the attention of the world or be the most "popular" of the class. The more mysterious and slightly more attractive you look in the eyes female. Add charm to other women, then, not think!
He is loving - care for women, is never enough. Need not reach the extreme of being sticky or babysitter (they do not like it), but give an unexpected phone call, a kiss out of time or make a caress without anyone see are attitudes that have great effect.
He is lover - just like you, women also enjoy sex, and the crop that bed, for them, is less important than friendship, it was! They even dream about it with a lover that made delirium. Do not be afraid. You, there in the background, not to think about that?



Men who prioritize work - just think of projects, meetings, money, things like "total quality", promotions, courses of specialization. Okay they appreciate ambitious men. But they know love the place first.
Men who are keen to share the accounts - it shows, in most cases slight. She feels honored when the man would sign the check. If you do not have cash to pay high costs, it is best to choose programs that can pay. When the ratio has engaged, you can leave it, from time to time, pay any mind.
Men who talk about their past and to love him brag - they hate and detest cheap conquistadors who count their intimate with other women. If you want to upgrade, it is best to be as much with it, rather than say that thousands have won.
Men who are put to Roughnecks - discuss in traffic, pulling fight with someone who looked at it and the mob are garçon sins without forgiveness. They do not like anything to be next to an aggressive man, with which everything can happen.
Men who are sexually desperate - they like hot men, but usually flee stalker types or rushed. Invest in kissing, showing their potential in the way embraces. Nothing to force the bar choose to engage it.
Men who look at other women - if you are womanizer, has two options: hang the cleats, at least temporarily, or hide that its particularity. Women are the greatest issue to be exclusive, unless you also just want to have fun.
Men who are drivers - every day reduces the number of women who feel sexy man cock or controller. They do not like to feel that the man is interested in exercising power over them.
Men who are coarse - invest in education because it does not rhyme with rudeness seduction. Phone the next day, after making sex for the first time and say it was wonderful to be with her. Keep the combine and remember that words have the power of magic.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fertile Period: Women are the most sensual voice

The female voice is more seductive when she is most fertile point of their menstrual cycle.

Recordings of women taken at different points of the month were played to people of both sexes. Article published in the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior showed that the voices were judged as more attractive to women at peak fertile period.

A previous study performed in night clubs found that women in fertile period also tend to wear clothes that make the view more parts of the body.

Unlike other mammals, human reproduction does not show signs of when a woman is the fertile period. It is possible that sex hormones influence the vocal cords.

How changes in voice can be, according to scientists, too subtle to be detected by men in a conversation, for example, perhaps the reason for the change that occurs by the menstrual cycle also cause changes in mood in women and a voice is more gay more pleasant to listen.

The recordings taken close to ovulation – the moment in which the egg is released and can be fertilized – were marked as more attractive than recordings of the same woman speaking in other periods of the menstrual cycle.

The effect was not observed if the woman was taking oral contraceptives, which change the rates of hormones during the cycle.

Dr. David Feinberg of McMaster University in Canada said: "The missing link here is how it works on a simple conversation in a bar, for example." [Source]

Fertile period

The fertile period are those days of the month that pregnancy can occur in cases of sexual intercourse without condoms or contraceptive pills.

To find out if it fertile period:

Make sure you have more moisture in the vagina. The vaginal mucus becomes thick and with consistency similar to egg whites commonly on the fourth day after ovulation.
To calculate the fertile period containing 14 days of the woman from the beginning of your last menstrual cycle. Complete this section you will ovulado two days before and two days after this date.
Morning after pill

If you had sex unprotected in the last 24 hours, which is found in the fertile period and can be an unwanted pregnancy, go to the nearest pharmacy and ask the morning-after pill. For your safety do not accept generic and ask for "ethical drug". Do not shy to go to the pharmacy that you are under age.

How to excite a man?

3 How to excite a man? Sex, men, everything is equal? No, it was discovered that a new study.
A search of the Kinsey Institute, the U.S. was based on focus groups (focus groups, in English). The men talked about what influenced the desire and sexual arousal. It was found that: What excites a man, generally, is that "cools" the other, an erection is not always a sign of sexual arousal and not every man wants to jump in bed at the earliest opportunity.
Your point of view: What do you think about this?

"We do not often tend to sit – in view of research – with other men or groups of men and talk about such intimate topics as what [...] influences the desire and sexual arousal and the topic or question of where, in all this, enter the penis, "said Dr. Erick Janssen, one of the authors of the study.


Erick and his team organized six focus groups, which had 50 men, aged between 18 and 70 years. The majority was Caucasian heterosexual who talked about what excited sexually and that increasing or inhibiting the excitement. The results were reported in the April edition of the scientific journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Men said to have erections without necessarily being excited, while some, especially the elderly, said that could be excited without having an erection. Some used masturbation to improve when the "do not feel very well" or a "great way" to end the sadness.
Many said they are confident and feel good about the same commonly led to feeling sexually excited (while "feeling like crap" had the opposite effect). And for many, a woman self is also more desirable than one that did not feel good about herself. In addition to a beautiful body and beautiful face many men thought that the intelligence was "very attractive" and "very exciting".
The climate and the sense of emotional connection also influence arousal for men. And while the scent of a woman can be the key for some, not for others. However, "an overwhelming majority" said to be walking, camping or doing picnic, for example, stimulated their desire and arousal.
As a whole, the findings from more nuances to the picture of male sexuality that is promoted in magazines for men, pointed Erick. "There is a huge variability among men in how easily they can excite or cool or how easily they experience sexual desire and arousal," he explained. "The difference within the group male or female within the group is much larger than the average of the differences between the sexes in almost anything sexual."
In fact, said the researcher, 30% of women can be sexually excited more easily than most men. "This study is challenging the idea that men are simple," he said

Want to know how to win a man?

2 According to one study, women must remember shy smiles and sung silly if they want to pull chat with a guy. Men prefer a direct approach with a conversation that makes sense, according to scientists.

A study by the University Bucknell, Pennsylvania (USA), showed that men have problems in understanding the "tips" that a woman is interested in it – even the body language shows that she is flirting with the individual.

The researchers gathered a group of men and women and asked the girls to wear their "techniques" of conquest. They wanted to see how the scheme works in practice.

5 Things that men should know about women

Men have adopted the "direct approach". Invitations to the cinema or for dinner and the traditional exchange of phone numbers. Even direct questions such as "and then what you gonna do tonight?" Were approved.
Have the girls prefer conversations in which they identified interests in common with their partner (both like Japanese food, from walking in the park, etc.)..
The tactics with less success, both for men as for women, were ready to smile and sung the famous "if you come here?" Or "I know you from somewhere?". Even sung that may seem unique and funny are not well-seen, "your shirt matches my clothes" really did not succeed.
The psychologist Joel Wade said that "the direct information that a meeting is possible is the best way to draw the attention of a man. Tell him that, rather than have several non-verbal signs that confused the guy needs to decipher. "

Tips for Men and Women

It is very important always to be tasty and innovating their relationship, take some tips and see and feel what happens.
Call your match and say you want to make love in that exact moment, whisper nonsense, that awakens very hot.
Devote a few hours, to touch the whole body of his pair, finding all the erogenous zones, each party understand that it is most difficult, is delayed for a while kissing, is baffling!
In the middle of the night and start to caress, touch the body of his pair, with soft touch, every inch of the body, even when your figure is already very, very hot.
At the time of making love, leave some strawberries, grapes, honey, wine, use your imagination in the act you may have some different ideas.
Make sex in the car, the hood of the car, stairs, floors, sink, shower, beach, forest, fun, different places and finally the bed is very exciting.
A romantic dinner and well aphrodisiac, can give a good result.
Heat the imagination of you watching movies together some sensual and erotic.
Choose a date in the calendar of your match and write a script that night pretty picture and the words that will be hot, when read!
Use and abuse, you can take your madness with the pair kissing, long, curtinhos, customers, strong throughout your body.
With the language, you can pair your mad, go smoothly, a little faster, and wet, quick, bypasses the sexual organ, torture!
At the time that you love doing breath some bullshit, sacanagens in the ear of his pair, is very exciting.
Finally be creative, never let you go in search of new emotions, and certainly you will be the main beneficiaries.

Tips for the Man

As the woman said, I repeat to you, remember in time to make love, sex, sure, their work, their problems, in short everything, only those short moments, to live with greater intensity, then every single moment is never more then why not take advantage of them intensely, another important detail, the woman is feeling better, so never hesitate to recover it, say how she is beautiful, wonderful, tasty, and one more thing after making love, women more than men need affection and attention, never despise this short time the best possible way. And that this is more interesting, here some tips and as you probably know for sure his partner will use them the best.
Take her to love in a place outdoors, seek, search, be daring, you imagine one night only in the light of a moon and stars completely naked, feeling the breeze and making their bodies numerous loucuras, our! It would be surprising and certainly love it.
Go to a motel, take some 24 hours, all flowers store, type in the mirror and things spicy and seductive, a lingerie shop or a clothes and sensual, leave on the bed, of course do not forget a drink that is the satisfaction of both, a champagne or a good wine, take it by surprise and did not speak to where they are going, just imagine her reaction!
Take it to a hot-shop and say what you want to buy it, leave it and the will, this evening promises to be your slave, and carry out all your desires, imagine what will happen!
Any one day when she least expected, surprised her with a strip-tease, you should be thinking, this is for women, is wrong because believe me, many women love this.
Buy one sale, and before starting to make love, sells her eyes and make incredible things that you know for sure how it gets the adrenaline to the flower of the skin, where it is in suspense, what is it will now! It is super exciting.
An income of very sexy lingerie for your partner it knows what to do ....
Finally be creative, never let you go in search of new emotions, and certainly you will be the main beneficiaries.

Tips for women

There are several ways to seduce, and countless games of seduction, how? It is the degree of desire, starting the moment you feel, want, want, follow your instincts and his seduction is inevitable.
The look is one of the strongest allies of seduction, invest it, you can look through the pass, many things.
Move the hair, when you move the sensuality or when you play, put behind the ear, a fringe falling over the eyes, the curiosity of the anxiety you get ....
A cross-legged, sexy with certainty is a form of seduction, very strong.
His mouth, malicious smile, how to move your lips, take a mordidinha in the corner, touching them slightly with your finger and look at it quickly.
Voice is natural, do not force anything, speak calmly, feel the reaction of it, when you say something, say looking into his eyes and with a tone of voice a little lower than normal, and low.
With the language, very subtly outline in their lips, suggesting that you would like to be kissed. But Pretend you did not want and disguise.
If in any pub or somewhere you can get up and go to the toilet, walk in a sensual, slow movements and, to make him feel any wish
Be safe as you want, do not confuse with ordinary sensual, and always believe in your power of seduction


There are several ways to seduce, and countless games of seduction, how? It is the degree of desire, starting the moment you feel, want, want, follow your instincts and his seduction is inevitable.

The look is one of the strongest allies of seduction, invest it, you can look through the pass, many things.
Move the hair, when you move the sensuality or when you play, put behind the ear, a fringe falling over the eyes, the curiosity of the anxiety you get ....
A cross-legged, sexy with certainty is a form of seduction, very strong.
His mouth, malicious smile, how to move your lips, take a mordidinha in the corner, touching them slightly with your finger and look at it quickly.
Voice is natural, do not force anything, speak calmly, feel the reaction of it, when you say something, say looking into his eyes and with a tone of voice a little lower than normal, and low.
With the language, very subtly outline in their lips, suggesting that you would like to be kissed. But Pretend you did not want and disguise.
If in any pub or somewhere you can get up and go to the toilet, walk in a sensual, slow movements and, to make him feel any wish

Be safe as you want, do not confuse with ordinary sensual, and always believe in your power of seduction.