Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fertile Period: Women are the most sensual voice

The female voice is more seductive when she is most fertile point of their menstrual cycle.

Recordings of women taken at different points of the month were played to people of both sexes. Article published in the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior showed that the voices were judged as more attractive to women at peak fertile period.

A previous study performed in night clubs found that women in fertile period also tend to wear clothes that make the view more parts of the body.

Unlike other mammals, human reproduction does not show signs of when a woman is the fertile period. It is possible that sex hormones influence the vocal cords.

How changes in voice can be, according to scientists, too subtle to be detected by men in a conversation, for example, perhaps the reason for the change that occurs by the menstrual cycle also cause changes in mood in women and a voice is more gay more pleasant to listen.

The recordings taken close to ovulation – the moment in which the egg is released and can be fertilized – were marked as more attractive than recordings of the same woman speaking in other periods of the menstrual cycle.

The effect was not observed if the woman was taking oral contraceptives, which change the rates of hormones during the cycle.

Dr. David Feinberg of McMaster University in Canada said: "The missing link here is how it works on a simple conversation in a bar, for example." [Source]

Fertile period

The fertile period are those days of the month that pregnancy can occur in cases of sexual intercourse without condoms or contraceptive pills.

To find out if it fertile period:

Make sure you have more moisture in the vagina. The vaginal mucus becomes thick and with consistency similar to egg whites commonly on the fourth day after ovulation.
To calculate the fertile period containing 14 days of the woman from the beginning of your last menstrual cycle. Complete this section you will ovulado two days before and two days after this date.
Morning after pill

If you had sex unprotected in the last 24 hours, which is found in the fertile period and can be an unwanted pregnancy, go to the nearest pharmacy and ask the morning-after pill. For your safety do not accept generic and ask for "ethical drug". Do not shy to go to the pharmacy that you are under age.

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